Our Uniqueness

Herbal Garden and Plantation
All three hospitals of Rajah Ayurveda has a large collection of ayurvedic herbs and plants which are grown in natural way. Apart from the medicinal plants, you can also see the traditional Kerala vegetation like coconut trees, areca palms, mango trees, jack fruit and banana plants.

Awareness Counseling
In Rajah Ayurveda, after the detailed consultation with the doctor, there will be a power point presentation and counselling which explains regarding the basics of ayurveda and complete details regarding the medicines and treatments, including its benefits.

Go Green
As a part going green and conserving energy, we have established wind mills, solar panel, electric motor vehicle, earthworm compost plants and rain water harvesting ponds, thus reducing the use of energy from fossil fuels and natural gas which cause pollution as well as devastate and deplete the land and water.
Biomedical waste management - Rajah Ayurveda follows biomedical waste management and handling rules promptly. We segregate the waste from the point of oringin, store it properly and dispose.