Our guests are often the first to provide recommendations and referrals to their peers and colleagues!

"A friend told me he came to Rajah Ayurveda for treatment for Psoriasis, and that it made a real difference to him. So here I am, taking some time of a really busy work life with a lot of stress! I am sure I feel a lot of difference, but I understand that Ayurveda is gradual process, which is more of a lifestyle change rather than a one time treatment and medication. I hope to continue applying the things I learned here and making positive and healthy choices for my life.
"Judino Collin

"The one difference I felt with Rajah Ayurveda is that it is an actual Ayurvedic Hospital, offering serious Ayurvedic treatments, and not just a resort providing wellness therapies.
The food is incomparable, in the sense it is uniquely compatible with ayurveda. This my third visit to Rajah Ayurveda and my son’s first.
Michel and Pascal Savary

"I heard about Rajah Ayurveda from a person in Norway. After a bit of research, I decided to give it a try. I stayed for three weeks at Rajah Healthy Acres. The environment here is so in-sync with ayurveda. I just love sitting by myself and listening to the trees!
After the treatment, I feel really relaxed. I can see my stress levels have gone down. I had some joint pain when I arrived, and that is gone now. I have lost 7 kgs in these three weeks with the strict diet and exercise.
What I really love about the place is how genuine the staff are towards the guests. The atmosphere is really casual, friendly and warm. For example, the doctor made sure to visit me the day I was leaving to say good bye. A lot of small things like that gave me a great experience overall.
Finally, the massage therapists are exceptional skilled. I loved how sensitive they were towards the patient. They are really professional, gentle and respectful.
I definitely would recommend this place to anyone wanting a healthy ayurvedic experience.
Anja Gleim

"This is my second visit to Rajah Beach. I had visited for the first time last year in 2016. The doctors prescribed a specialised set of treatments and medicines for me.
Here is my experience with Rajah Ayurveda:
Great improvement in the quality of my sleep: Before I took the treatments and followed the strict schedule here at Rajah, it would take me more than an hour of tossing and turning before I could fall asleep. Once the treatment started, I started to fall asleep almost immediately when I went to bed. This continued for a few months after I returned home.
Lowered my blood pressure: I came in with a high blood pressure. The treatment successfully reduced it to regular levels.
Improved Liver Function: I tested my liver function before and after the treatment. There was a visible improvement.
Since my first visit, I have been recommending Rajah Ayurveda to my friends. This time I have come with a friend and my daughter. I would love to keep visiting in the future.

"I am so grateful for the kind, warm and generous hospitality of the staff, therapists and physicians. The experience at Rajah has been an absolute delight and healing time for me. Thank you.
Food: Excellent, delicious, healthy variety
Services: Excellent, outstanding, finest, exceeded expectations.Yeshe Palmo
United Kingdom

"Back home...
With this mail i just want to thank you again for a very well service and staff. Please give my warmly thanks to my doctors, therapists and acupuncture and yoga teacher. They did a fantastic job!
As a present to myself, i give myself 3 free work days to give me time to smelt my ayurvedic treatment experience! Thank you very much!Eulalia Quintana

"Thank you very much, for making our recent visit an immense experience, and a very pleasurable and memorable trip. I came with preconceived notions for myself, of receiving the typical Western deep tissue massage techniques. But boy, was I in for a very pleasant treat.
I thoroughly enjoyed all the thoughtfully prescribed treatments, that have helped rejuvenate my mind, body and soul. In the beginning, I wasn’t too excited about being on a “controlled” diet, but I now fully understand the need for abstinence and fully embrace the methodology.
I would like to sincerely thank each and every one at Rajah Healthy Acres and beyond, all the doctors that came to visit us from Rajah Island and Rajah Beach.
I am so grateful and blessed to have made lifelong friends with all the humble, caring, empathetic people that I was so lucky to cross paths with at RHA.
During my stay at RHA, I have acquired some Ayurvedic knowledge (I had read some prior to coming, but receiving first hand treatments is definitely a showstopper), and fully understand as to why the treatments are done the way they are, and how they benefit the body.
Incidentally, I had a conventional massage on Saturday, and definitely compared and missed the Uzhichil treatment. I have just ordered my first bottle of Organic Sesame oil with the 9 herbs, so that I may give myself my first Abhyanga treatment. So excited!
I loved the early morning yoga, in company of my beautiful, loving and caring sister and brother-in-law, Nimet & Nazmu. And under the kind and expert supervision I enjoyed the food / tea & juice tradeoffs and the occasional “steal”, lovingly planned and catered.
I humbly thank each and every one of you, for all the care, kindness, love, compassion, encouragement, empathy, happiness, laughter and fun you bestowed on us each day.
You made us feel right at home, like we were staying with our own family. When I got back home, I had an emptiness in me as I missed you all, I felt the void of being pampered and well-nourished during my stay at RHA. This was a very emotional, fulfilling and incredibly memorable trip, and I can’t wait to see you all again very soon.
A BIG Thank to all the Doctors, for making our stay incredibly welcoming and nurturing all our needs. THANK YOU!
I know there are many many more people, that we did not interact with personally, but are a crucial part of your team, and who make our stay so comfortable. I thank each one of them for making our experience so memorable. Until we meet the next time, I sign off with my heartfelt prayers and thoughts for each one of you.Annar Shariff

"It was a pleasure staying with you at Rajah Beach!
The first consultation was very good and I really was glad to have regular consultations every day.
The girls and women doing the treatments do a great job. They are loving and caring. They took my hand and brought me to the treatment room. I enjoyed the treatments. I never experienced being washed after the treatment. This was such a pleasure. Sometimes I felt like a child, being washed and taken care of.
A new experience was also that I always received my medicine, my fruit juice or my fruits - whereever I was they found me. Great job.
I also enjoyed the activities you offered: to the cooking, Saree binding etc.
And I really loved the food. I appreciated it so much that I will surely miss it.
All in all there is a loving and caring atmosphere.Petra Weilinger

"When I look back at my life today, I never imagined I would achieve so much. My life events are truly a medical phenomenon and my remedy was Ayurveda.
I was born in Canada with a disability called Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita. This means my muscles and joints were stiff at birth and my muscles and joints were not fully developed. Doctors had little hope in the life I was going to live. They presumed I would grow up with slow mental development and limited muscle movement which would make me fully dependent on activities of daily living [dressing, eating, etc.] and they also said I would never be able to walk.
Lucky for me, I was blessed with a supportive family. My parents never gave up on me and always looked for some hope to help make me better. Finally they came across a way of medicine that has been practiced for many years, that is Ayurveda.
The first time I had tried Ayurveda treatments, I was 5 years old. My neck was tilted to one side because I did not have enough strength in my neck muscles to keep my head up. The tilt in my neck was a potential danger as it would eventually prevent oxygen from reaching my brain.
We flew to India where I had three sessions of Ayurveda (each 28 days long) as they worked on my neck and on my legs. With a lot of effort from the doctors and faith, within six months, I was able to hold my neck up straight and I took my first steps.
When I came back to Canada, my pediatrician and the many doctors involved in my case were completely shocked at my unexpected progress. Along my years I continued to be treated medically and had approximately 23 surgeries from the time of birth to correct my deformities in my arms and legs. When I completed my schooling, although I was mentally strong and able to walk, I developed further issues such as being overweight; I was still depending on my mom for feeding, changing and all activities of daily living. I had to come to a point where I went through depression thinking about my future and what it would hold.
My mother decided to try Ayurveda once more and after a lot of research we found a place called Rajah Islands. Upon arrival, the doctors and the staff were knowledgeable, kind and efficient. After reviewing my case, they started treatments on me to work on my weight and to increase my mobility. For a case such as mine, one session would never be enough. A natural treatment takes it's time and it takes patience and faith. After a few seasons (each 28 days) I started losing weight and getting mobility in my arms. The doctors took the extra effort to do exercises to help make me more independent. Gradually through the Ayurveda treatments, acupuncture and exercises, I started to learn to feed myself and take a more part in doing things for myself without assistance. I felt motivated and became hopeful about my future. A few years later at the age of 23, I got married. Two years into my marriage, I struggled to conceive a child. Once again, I visited Rajah Islands for Ayurveda treatments to help conceive a child. A month later, I successfully conceived. Nine months later, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Two years after that, I gave birth to another healthy baby boy. I am not only blessed with a beautiful family, but with the help of Ayurveda I am independent enough to care for my children, cook for them and am successfully fulfilling my duties as a mother and a wife. Although I have made a lot of progress throughout the years, I continue to maintain my treatments to keep rejuvenated.
Ayurveda is a natural remedy for any health problem. Natural remedies take time, patience and most importantly faith. Thanks to Rajah Ayurveda Hospitals and all the hardworking and dedicated staff, I am able to live a normal life.Siddiqa

"A very good stay at Rajah beach. I could address my physical and medical problems with the help of the doctors. All staffs have a great/warm personalities which make you feel at ease while discussing any procedure you may have to get. Everything was very wonderful thank so much & I hope to return soon!
Ras al-Khaimah