Ancient, profound and effective, the field of Ayurveda is a millenia old tradition of being one with nature. It relies on a deep understanding nature's countless treasures to heal us of various ailments,and helps us be at our best - physically, mentally, as well as spiritually. In a world where we are, day by day, losing touch with nature, Ayurveda is a wise reminder for us to change our lifestyle and incorporate the ancient knowledge of nature and its impact on man. At Rajah Ayurveda, we believe that good health is priceless, and through a constant practice of Ayurvedic therapies and lifestyle changes, it is possible to stay at the peak of your health throughout your life.
Over centuries, some of the greatest minds in Ayurveda, through a deep study of the human body’s inner functioning, and the study of herbs and their benefits, have created various extremely effective therapies that target and treat different ailments in our bodies. In this special edition summer blog, we introduce you to 25 of Ayurveda’s highly effective therapies - what they are, how they benefit you, and their procedure. Come, let us initiate you into the wonders of Ayurveda!
Broad overview of Ayurvedic Treatments
- Shodhana Chikitsa - Panchakarma:
Literally meaning Five Actions (Pancha meaning ‘five’ and karma means ‘action’), Panchakarma or Shodhana Chikitsa is one of the key foundations of the ayurvedic approach. It is an all natural and holistic technique of rejuvenating and purifying the body where, through a series of five major therapies, each core function of the body is focussed upon to cleanse your system and rid it of the toxins and waste materials that gradually get deposited in the body over time in narrow, minute areas within the body called ‘srotas’.
The duration of the Panchakarma therapy is usually 21 days to a month, depending on the individual’s condition and requirement, but it is recommended to undergo a minimum of 21-28 days of Panchkarma treatment to truly begin feeling its benefits from within.This approach of Ayurvedic treatment is also called ‘Shodhana chikitsa’, literally meaning ‘purifying treatments’ With the use of an assortment of medicated oils, herbs, this overall treatment has a long lasting impact on the well being of the individual.
- Shamana Chikitsa
The Benefits of Panchakarma:
Panchkarma is a unique rejuvenating experience that relaxes your mind body and soul, and cleanses it of its impurities and toxins. The numerous therapies under Panchakarma activate your metabolism, enhancing your body’s blood circulation and the lymphatic system, which helps in removal of toxins, and boosts your overall immunity. With focussed therapies specially prepared to target various areas of the body, the benefits of Panchakarma are profound and varied:
- Relaxing and soothing
- Cleanses the aggregated toxins of the body.
- Removes any stress and anxiety plaguing your mind
- Restores your body’s natural balance.
- Regulates the metabolism
- Cleanses and enhances the digestive system
- Opening up of blocked channels in the body
- Rejuvenates the skin and tissues
- Boosts Immunity
Purvakarma (Preparation for the Panchakarma Therapies):
Before the Panchakarma therapies are initiated, it is crucial to prepare the body in a way to make it the most receptive to the benefits of the therapies that will follow. This, in Ayurveda is done by the techniques that are collectively known as Purvakarma, literally translating to ‘before’ the ‘action’. The techniques that form Purvakarma are as follows:
1) Snehan (Internal and External oleation) :
These are the techniques by which the body is prepared by either digestion of specially herbally medicated ghee or oil, or through a light massage with herbally infused oils (the process of introducing oil internally or externally in the body is called oleation). This technique lubricates all the
internal and external organs of the body, enhancing the body’s circulation making it more receptive of the benefits from the panchakarma therapies.
2) Swedan (Sweating through steam):
Swedan is a technique by which the patron is made to sweat, by introducing medicated water or milk steam. This activates the body’s pore and sweat glands, collecting the toxins so they can bind
with the various medicated pastes and oils of the panchakarma treatments, and be removed from the body.
25 powerful and Effective Ayurvedic Therapies:
Now that we know how to prepare ourselves for the Panchakarma regime, here are the five major therapies that form the Panchakarma treatment:
1 ) Vamanan (Medically induced vomiting) -
Focus area - Respiratory system and upper gastro intestinal tract
An extremely beneficial therapy for those with respiratory and sinus problems, Vamanam is a technique of inducing vomiting in a person using natural products and herbs to clear out the toxins in the respiratory system and the sinuses. If you’ve read
our previous article on Doshas, you will know that the Kapha is one of the three doshas or elements in your body - when there is an excess of kapha in the body, it can lead to a number of digestive and respiratory issues. Vamananam regulates the kapha dosha, thus restoring balance in the body.

How it works: Prior to Vamanam, the person undergoes the Snehakarma and Swedanakarma therapies to prepare them. Then, at the time when the body’s ability to generate kapha is the most - a time called kapha kala (approximately 6 to 10 am), the person is given a special medicinal concoction while seated in a comfortable position. Generally mixed with milk, rock salt and honey - this special mix stimulates the digestive lining, kickstarting the vomiting process. As the body then naturally begins clearing out the toxins,, the vomiting eventually stops once all of the medicine is cleared out.
Beneficial for:
- All kapha diseases
- Skin diseases like leucoderma
- Asthma and related respiratory conditions
- Kapha dominant mental diseases
2) Virechanam (Medically induced purgation) -
Focus area - Digestive system, Spleen, Liver, Spleen
Our digestive system goes through a lot every day, as it digests, processes, and expels the food and drink we have on a daily basis. Over time, toxins get built up and deposited, hindering the body’s ability to effectively absorb nutrients. The secretions meant to process
the various nutrients in the body like bile, and pancreatic juices can also get lodged in the body, and not get expelled properly. Which is why it is important to do a reset of the digestive tract every once in a while to cleanse it deeply, and give it the time and the ability to rejuvenate.

An excellent way to clear the toxins in the body’s digestive system, Virechanam is a medically induced purgation (or fecal expulsion) procedure specially designed to purify out the digestive tract, the liver and the pancreas. Focussing on the ‘Pitha’ dosha, the therapy works wonders to cure any digestive disorders and digestion related skin disorders, and eye diseases.
How it works: Before the therapy is administered, it is very important to understand the nature of the receiver’s digestive system in order to prepare the perfect medication that will target the specific issues. We at Rajah Ayurveda make sure that we do a deep dive into the individual’s digestive nature and issues and create a tailor made therapy that works best. Once this specially prepared medication is ready, it is given to the person early in the morning, after which they are made to drink lots of warm water. As the medicine slowly begins to get digested, it absorbs the warm water and this stimulates the defecation centre of the brain, which kickstarts the secretion of bile, pancreatic juice and other secretions. The natural expulsion of this collective matter in the feces completely clears out all the secretions that may have gotten deposited in the body.
Beneficial for:
- All pitha diseases
- All types of skin diseases
- All digestive disorders
- Diseases of the eyes
- Mental disorders
- Chronic rheumatisms
3) Snehavasthy (Enema) -
Focus area - Overall digestive system
Our body’s small and large intestine have the monumental task of processing the foods that we have, in addition to the stomach, and eventually prepare it for release from the body through defecation. Gradually, due to constant wear and tear and stress these organs,
accumulating waste resulting in ineffective functioning of the intestines diminishes.
Snehavasthy is an enema process where medicated oil is used to cleanse the intestines, expelling waste and toxins, and literally oil the intestines to keep them functioning well!

How it works: A procedure usually done after certain therapies that lead up to it - such as vimanam, virechanam, snehakarma and swedanakarma - the Snehavasthy is conducted after a meal, so that it flows with the natural rhythm of the body’s waste elimination process. The person is made to lie in a comfortable position and medicated oil is gently administered in the rectum with a syringe, applying constant pressure for it to move upwards into the intestines. This specially medicated oil then binds with the waste material in the intestine to cleanse the organs as well as nourish them and make theme smooth for functioning.
Beneficial for:
- Vata related diseases
- Disorders of the reproductive tract
- Spinal disorders
4) Nasyam (Nasally administered treatments) -

Focus area - The nose, vital organs above the neck
As the head of the human body is considered equal to the root of the tree in Ayurveda, it is essential that the organs in the region stay clear and balanced. A great way to clear out any blockages and diseases of the neck, head, nose, scalp and hair, Nasyam is a
method by which medicated oil droplets are gently introduced in the nose, which is absorbed by the body's circulatory system, nourishing all organs above the neck. A prior preparation is necessary, where the person’s face and neck are made receptive to the medicine
by steaming. The specially medicated mix irritates the mucus lining of the sinuses, leading to the secretion of the collected doshas. This is a procedure that required expert supervision, as is done by the highly experienced professionals at Rajah Ayurveda.
Beneficial for:
- Nose disorders and Para-nasal sinuses
- Head and neck disorders
- Hair and scalp diseases
- Brain and spinal cord disorders
5) Kashayavasthy (Herbal enema) -
Focus area - Lower digestive tract/intestines
While Snehavasthy is an enema process done exclusively after a meal, Kashavasthy is a therapy in which enema is conducted before a meal. The two therapies always go hand in hand to maximize the benefits to the receiver.
The process to prepare the herbal mix is an extremely strict one, with specific sequence of introduction of ingredients. It is important for the person to be prepared for the procedure by conducting Snehakarma and Swedanakarma, to make them fully receptive to this therapy.

Beneficial for:
- All vata diseases
- Chronic rheumatisms
- Other joint diseases
- Various nervous disorders
- Deep rooted skin diseases
- Diseases of the urino -genital system, gynecological diseases etc
Now that we have introduced the Five broad therapies involved in Panchakarma, please read on to explore the numerous other powerful therapies that fall under this umbrella:
6) Uzhichil or Abhyanga (Oil Massage):

Focus area - Overall body
Ayurveda states this therapy as one to be done as a daily ritual, and we agree! Uzhichil, also known as Abhyanga, is a special and an extremely beneficial oil massage, where large quantities of oil infused with herbs (chosen specifically to treat the person’s condition)
are used to carry out a deep massage, done by one or even two masseurs. The benefits of the herbs are spread throughout the body during the massage, and are absorbed by the skin, while the powerful strokes stimulate the body’s blood and lymphatic circulation, which in turn
delivers the benefits of the active ingredients in the herbs to all the desired areas of the body. No wonder it is recommended to be done daily!
- Relieve general weakness and tiredness
- Stimulate good sleep
- Improve blood circulation
- Improve digestion and appetite
- Prevent dryness of the skin
7) Tharpanam (Treatment for the eyes):
Focus area - The eyes
Our eyes are our tools to see the beautiful world around us, however due to the today’s daily routine of working long hours on the computer and staring at our smartphones, our eyes go through a lot of stress, leading to discomfort and damage to sight.
Tharpanam is a wonderful therapy in which specially medicated ghee, which has been infused with specific herbs, is poured over the eyes of the person, which, when absorbed by the eyes and the surrounding skin, improves eyesight and repairs damage to the eyes.

How it works: In order to carry out this therapy, first a dough mixture of water and gram flour is made, which is used to construct a wall around the eye are with the person lying down, thus restricting the flow of the oil only to the eyes. Then, over closed eyes, the specially medicated ghee is poured over eyes till the level of the eyelashes. The receiver is then asked to open and close their eyes multiple times, to make sure the ghee is absorbed by the eyes effectively. The absorption of the active ingredients present in the medicated ghee stimulates the optic nerve and the vision centre of the brain, rejuvenating your sight.
Beneficial for:
- Refractive errors of the eyes
- Degenerative diseases of the eyes and the optic nerve
- Over stress of the eyes
- Damages of the eyes
8) Putapakam

Focus area - The eyes
A follow up therapy to Tharpanam, Putapakam is the process in which herbal juices are poured over the eyes in order to cleanse off any remaining ghee in the eye ducts, and to relieve the heaviness and haziness that could happen temporarily due to the ghee poured in tharpanam.
This process rejuvenates and refreshes the eyes, making sure that the eyes are relieved from the excess absorption of the ghee, and clears up the vision.
Beneficial for:
- Eye Damage
- Overstressed eyes
- Optic nerve degeneration
9) Pichu:
Focus area - depending on the receiver’s condition
A highly effective way of relieving pain and stiffness of joints, as well as muscle cramps, Pichu is a therapy in which a cloth (or ‘Pichu’) is soaked completely in medicated oils or juices, infused with herbs that target the specific medical condition of the receiver, and then placed upon the focus area
of the body of the person. The temperature of the medicated liquid can be warm or cool, depending on the the condition that is being treated with the Pichu therapy. The name of the Pichu therapy varies depending on the body part that is the focus - for eg., if the head is the focus, then the treatment is
called siro pichu.

The warmth of the medicated liquid, as it slowly gets absorbed by the body through the cloth, stimulates the circulation and the nerve endings, assisting efficient absorption of the medication through the body. This process also a great way to lubricate the joints, relieving the stiffness that usually plagues the joints.
Beneficial for:
- Pain and stiffness of the joints
- Muscle cramps
- Headaches (Siro Pichu)
- Diseases of the eyes and eyes (Siro Pichu)
- Degenerative diseases of the joints
10) Pizhichil (Pouring warm medicated oil)

Focus area - Overall body, joints
Pizhichil is a highly beneficial and relaxing therapy in which a specially prepared oil is infused with herbs, carefully selected to treat the receiver’s specific condition, and is poured in constant fashion all over their body. Prior to this therapy, the receiver is given a light massage with
the medicated oil to prepare the body for Pizhichil, after which the specially prepared oil is poured over all areas of the body using special earthen pots. The constant pouring of the warm, medicated oil soothes the nerves, repairing any joint issues in the body, and improves blood circulation.
Beneficial for:
- Degenerative joint diseases
- Nervous disorders
- Spine and vertebrae related issues
- Chronic rheumatism
11) Thalapothichil
Focus area - The head and scalp
We often call the head a person’s crowning glory, and it is easy to see why - it is the seat for our brain and consciousness, and of countless other vital organs. However, it is equally true that the constant stresses of daily life, coupled with the omnipresent pollution often lead to acute stress, anxiety,
sleeplessness, and hair loss.
Ayurveda recognized the need to rejuvenate this region, and crafted the Thalapothichil therapy to treat these conditions.

How it works: Firstly, a suitable oil is chosen to be applied on the receiver’s head and scalp, to make the head and scalp more receptive to the treatment. Then, a specially prepared medicated paste (usually made of gooseberry pulp with buttermilk) is applied generously over the
head, covering it fully. A tender banana leaf is placed over the head to prevent the paste from drying, and allowed to stay for around 45 minutes (during which, the receiver;s body can also be covered with a suitable oil, to complement the procedure).
The slight heat imparted by the herbal paste makes the scalp sweat, which opens up the hair follicles and stimulates blood circulation, making the absorption of the ingredients of the paste faster and easier.
Beneficial for:
- Mental stress and anxiety
- Sleeping disorders
- Dandruff and hair loss
- Chronic headache and sinusitis
- Degenerative diseases of the cranial nerves
12) Sirovasthy:
Focus area: The head and the scalp
Extremely beneficial for a number of disorders of the head, sensory organs, the spinal cord and our nervous system, Sirovasthy is one therapy with a number of advantages. From soothing and repairing the nerves, rejuvenating the mind, repairing disorders of the spine and more,
this therapy is a must-do.

How it works: In this procedure, a specially prepared oil is medicated with carefully chosen herbs, which is then allowed to accumulate over the receiver’s head in a leather cap. The receiver is made to wear the cap filled with the warmed oil for a period of time, for the ingredients to
begin working on the scalp. At the same time, a gentle massage of the body, focussing on the neck and shoulder is done with the medicated oil, to complement the action of the oil on the scalp.
The warmth of the oil stimulates circulation, leading to effective absorption of the benefits in the medicated oil. As the nerves on the scalp get stimulated by the oil, they in turn affect the specific areas of the body as well, leading to rejuvenation of those regions.
Beneficial for:
- Diseases of the brain and nervous system
- Degenerative diseases of the nervous system
- Chronic headaches
- Stroke and facial paralysis
- Diseases of the spine and vertebrae
13) Podikizhy (Bundle Massage)
Focus area: Overall body
Also known as Choorna Pinda Swedam, Podikizhy is a powerful massage in which bundles made of cotton cloth that contain herbal powders, are rhythmically dabbed and pounded all over your body, by as many as three people at a time for a period of about 45 minutes.
This is a strong massage that really works to awaken your blood circulation and lymphatic system.

The rhythmic pounding stimulates the blood circulation and the lymphatic system of the body, encouraging absorption through the body. The pain relieving action of the herbs also helps in relieving stiffness and pain in the joints.
Beneficial for:
- In all types of inflammatory arthritis
- Osteo arthritis
- Degenerative diseases
- Diseases of the spine and vertebral column
14) Lepanam
Focus area: Overall body (Focus area depends on the condition)
Lepanam is a wonderfully effective Ayurvedic therapy which involves the external application of a herbal paste (known as lepam) over the affected body part, and allow to dry. It works wonders to treat cases of skin diseases, wounds, swelling f the joints and other inflammatory conditions of the skin.

How it works: The herbs to be used are chosen, depending on the specific condition for which the patient is seeking treatment. Then, a paste of these herbs is prepared, either by mixing them in water, oil or ghee, depending on the condition. The paste could then be slightly warmed before application or applied at room temperature, if the condition in focus requires it. The paste is applied all over the affected area and allow to remain in contact with the area until it completely dries. The herbal paste stimulates the blood circulation on the affected area, which then encourages the absorption of the key ingredients from the paste. This therapy is typically conducted during daytime.
Beneficial for:
- Pain and swelling on the joints
- Discolorations on the skin
- Inflammations on the body parts
- Skin diseases
- On ulcers and wounds
- Any other localized condition
15) Dhanyamladhara:
Focus area - Overall body - Kapha and Vata Dosha
Derived from three words - Dhanya (Cereal), Amla (Vinegar) and Dhara (Stream), this gentle therapy done with a special herb-infused oil of an acidic nature is highly beneficial for managing muscle pain and inflammation due to arthritis, gout, partial paralysis of the body and rheumatic fever.

How it works: The therapy begins with a gentle massage of the head and the body using certain oils, after which a carefully prepared oil, infused with special herbs is warmed up and poured all over the body in a continuous stream, originating from the head and the neck, while spreading them in gentle strokes through the body. The entire process takes about 45 minutes, after which the receiver can either only have the body wiped by a towel, or can go for a warm water bath. The acidic nature of the oil activates nerves and helps in its absorption, and the anti inflammatory action of the herbs helps in relieving pain.
Beneficial for:
- Gout and other inflammatory arthritis
- Rheumatic fever
- Acute stages of hemiplegia
- Inflammatory stages of other arthritis
16) Kateevasthy
Focus area - The back (Focus changes as per the receiver's condition)
We at Rajah Ayurveda meet so many patrons who complain of issues in their back, which is mainly due to most of us living a highly sedentary life, crouching in front of a computer, and the bad posture eventually leads of to pain and stiffness in the back. Kateevasthy is a great therapy
for treating such complaints of the back.

How it works: A wonder treatment for treating stiffness, localized pain and inflammation in the back, Kateevasthy involves keeping the focus body area submerged in specially medicated oil. This is done by creating a closed off boundary made of soft black gram dough around the focus area, to make sure that the oil stands in that location, and does not flow elsewhere. The warmth of the oil stimulates the circulation in the back area, encouraging effective absorption of the medicated oil’s benefits, while its focussed action relieves back pain and stiffness.
Beneficial for:
- Pain on the neck, lower back and chest
- Restricted movements of the joints
- Osteoporosis and other degenerations
17) Upanaham
Focus area - Varies depending on the receiver’s condition
One of the treatments in which the active ingredients are left overnight in contact with the body, Upanaham is an interesting, focussed therapy that puts the affected body area in direct contact with a specially prepared herbal paste that stimulates and treats the underlying condition over a
long period of time, usually 12 hours ,or overnight.

How it works: In this therapy, a thick herbal paste, made of specific herbs and a suitable acidic liquid, is spread over the affected area of the body, which is then covered with fresh herbal leaves like castor or datura are placed. Then, to secure the paste with the focus area, a cotton cloth is wrapped around the region, and left for the paste to work its magic over the next 12 hours. The paste nourishes the affected area, reducing inflammation and relieving stiffness.
Beneficial for:
- Osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Inflammations on the joints
- Stiffness of the joints
- Wasting of muscles
18) Thalam

Focus area - The crown / middle region of the head
A seemingly simple therapy but with extraordinary benefits, Thalam is a good way to treat lifestyle conditions such as stress, insomnia, high blood pressures, as well as conditions like facial paralysis.
How it works: This therapy involves applying a small, concentrated quantity of a special herbal paste or oil in the center region of the head. As the active elements in the herbs are absorbed by the hair scalp from the centre, while the peripheral nerves get stimulated and activate the surrounding regions.
Beneficial for:
- Insomnia
- High blood pressure
- Facial paralysis
- Stroke
- Cervical spondylosis
- Stress and mental disorders
19) Rakthamoksham
Focus area: Overall body
Our bodies are constantly working to process what we eat, infuse energy to the cells, as well as collect the waste and toxins produced and eliminate them. However, over time, these toxic by-products tend to get deposited in the body, which then leads to a faltering of the body’s functioning,
leading to a number of disorders in the vital organs. Rakthamoksham is a powerful technique of removing small quantities of blood from your system, which leads to the removal of the imbalances and impurities from the blood, restoring the dosha balance and rejuvenating your body.

How it works:
There are various techniques that can be used to remove the blood, depending on the region of the body affected - for example, the use of leeches, through a venesection, or a shallow wound. This therapy is often reserved for cases where no other therapy seems to be effective. It is important
that the amount of blood removed is small so that it does not interfere with the overall regular functioning of the body, and can be replenished soon enough.
20) Udwarthanam (Herbal Powder Massage):
Focus area: Overall body/ Lymphatic system
Our body’s lymphatic system plays a crucial role in controlling our immunity, absorbing fats, and delivering fluids through the body. If this mechanism falters, it could lead to deposition of cellulite under the skin, discolouration of the skin, and a sluggish metabolic rate. Udwarthanam is a highly
invigorating technique which practically awakens your lymphatic system as well as boosts your metabolic rate, leading to weight loss, skin rejuvenation and boosted immunity.

How it works: First, a coarse powder is prepared from a mix of carefully chosen herbs, usually sesame seeds, horse gram, cotton seeds and castor seeds. This powder is then slightly warmed, and spread over the body of the receiver through a dry massage, done by 3 people for a duration of 45 minutes. The invigorating stroke actions, coupled with the dry coarse powder activates the metabolic rate and tones muscles, dissolving the fatty layer under the skin, and work wonders in clearing up the complexion. Once the massage is concluded, the receiver then takes a hot water bath. For those of you looking to lose weight, this massage is a perfect complement to your fitness regime!
Beneficial for:
- Reducing body weight
- Skin discolorations and scars
- Early stages of nervous and muscular diseases
- Inflammatory joint diseases
21) Ksheera Dhoomam
Focus Area - The Head and Neck.
This therapy is a preparatory one - and falls under the category of Swedanakarma (Preparation to Panchakarma), in which milk is infused with certain special herbs, which are then steamed together and carefully applied on the face. This is a fantastic therapy for treating facial paralysis,
headaches and conditions affecting the nervous system and the brain.

How it works: In preparation to this therapy, the face, neck,shoulders and the back of the receiver are massaged using suitables oils. Then, to protect the eyes from the heat of the steam, the eyes are covered with a thin layer of cotton cloth. Then, the herbal milk steam is carefully applied to the face using a tube, and the patient is also asked to open their mouth to take in the steam, so it can work from within. The heating action of the steam leads to sweating, and the herbs activate the pores of the skin, preparing them to take in the active elements of the herbs.
Beneficial for:
- Facial paralysis
- Diseases of the sense organs
- Headaches
- Diseases of the brain and nervous system
- Diseases of the chest and heart
22) Ksheeradhara:

Focus Area - The Head - Pitha Dosha
If you have read our previous article that focussed on Shirodhara, you are already familiar with this technique, however if you haven’t - here’s your chance to know more! Ksheeradhara is a technique under Shirodhara where pure cow’s milk is medicated with special herbs such as sandalwood,
vetiver root, camphor, and is poured in a narrow, continuous stream over a person’s forehead. A fantastic treatment for insomnia, stress, anxiety and headaches, this treatment packs quite a punch.
How it works: While the continuous stream of the herb-infused milk works its magic, a light oil massage is given in tandem through the body and the head.The entire process takes around 45 - 60 minutes, and is followed by a bath with lukewarm medicated water.
Beneficial for:
- Pitha diseases
- Headaches and insomnia
- Mental stress and anxiety
- Improve memory and concentration
23) Avagaham:
Focus area: Overall body - Vata dosha
We may have heard of bathtubs filled with rose petals, but have you heard of a bathtub filled with some of the choicest medicinal herbs, concocted exclusively to heal your body from head to toe? Well, that is what avagaham does for you! A preparatory treatment (Purvakarma) to prepare
the body for Panchakarma therapies, the main aim of this treatment is to make the body sweat, opening up the pores and making it receptive to absorb the active elements in the subsequent panchakarma treatment.

How it works: Firstly, an oil that is chosen keeping in mind the specific condition of the receiver is applied throughout the body. Then they are made to sit, submerged in a hot water tub which is infused with a selection of powerful herbs that cleanse the body of its toxins. The heat of the water, coupled with the oil kickstars the sweating process, ope up the pores and expelling the toxins from the body, while also relieving it of any pain and stiffness.
Beneficial for:
- For pain on the lower back, upper back and hips
- All the diseases of the urino-genital system
24) Navarakizhi (Bundle massage with medicated rice):
Focus Area: Overall body
An excellent way to treat any nerve disorders, muscle degeneration and weakness, Navarakizhi is a type of bundle massage in which a gentle massage is done with bags filled with a special type of rice known for its medicinal properties, known as navara rice, which is cooked along with
milk and specific herbs. This technique of massage activates your blood circulation as well as your lymphatic system,

How it works: In this therapy, cotton bags filled with soft cooked navara rice are used to massage the receiver gently, using circular and long strokes throughout the body. This massage is usually done in tandem by 3 people, and lasts for around 45 to 60 minutes, followed by a hot water bath. The milk and herbs in the cotton bundles play a vital role in nourishing the skin, and the massage action enhances the body’s blood circulation, while relieving any stiffness and pain in the receiver’s joints.
Beneficial for:
- Nervous degeneration
- Numbness and burning sensation in the body
- Fatigue/overall weakness
- Muscle wasting
- Stroke
25) Narangakizhi (Bundle massage with lemons):
Focus Area: Overall body/ especially lower back
A massage that uses powerful strokes, the Narangakizhi is a bundle massage in which the therapy is carried out with cotton bundles filled with fresh lemons and certain other natural herbs and ingredients. A fantastic way to relieve sciatica, lower backache, and spondylosis,
this is a strong massage that relieves the body of pain and stiffness.

How it works: Firstly, cut pieces of fresh lemon are fried along with ingredients such turmeric, coconut scraping, sesame seeds, rock salt to prepare the herbal mixture. Then, the mix is tied up in circular bundles, that are then used to pound the body of the receiver, usually done by 3 persons at a time for a total of 45 minutes. This massage is then followed by a hot water bath. The powerful strokes of the massage activate the body’s circulatory system, and makes the body receptive to absorb the many benefits residing in the ingredients.
Beneficial for:
- Sciatica
- Spondylosis
- Low back ache
- Acute inflammatory arthritis
N.B: Disclaimer:
Disclaimer:- The sole purpose of this article is to provideinformation from an Ayurvedic perspective. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a health professional. If you are seeking for medical advises or you have any queries, our Doctors will be happy to guide you. Check with your Doctor before taking herbs / medicines or following the diet when pregnant or nursing.